Christian Education & Leadership


Leadership and Management:

Ayers, Mike. 5 Distinctives of  Biblical Leadership.  (For the Church)  Online.

Behrens, James. 2005. Practical Church Management. Leominster, Herefordshire, Eng.: Gracewing.

Berkley, J.D. 2000.  Dynamics of Church Finance. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Berkley, J.D. 2007. Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Berkley, J.D. 2013. Leadership Handbook of Preaching and Worship. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Bible Verses about Leadership.(BibleStudyTools)  Online.

Bradley, J.D. 50 Bible Verses on Leadership. (Ministry Advice)   Online.

Brown, Greg.  Characteristics of Godly Leaders. (  Online. 

Burger, F.J.  2004. Church Management Basics. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse.

Christopher, J.C. 2912. Rich Church, Poor Church: Keys to Effective Financial Management. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.

Faulkner, Brooks. Seven Biblical Models of Leadership. (LifeWay)   Online.

Halverstadt, H.F. 1991.  Managing Church Conflict. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox.

Heward-Mills, Dag. 2011. Church Administration and Management. Maitland, FL: Xulon.

Hunt, S., et al. 1991. Leadership for Women in the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Malphurs, Aubrey. 1999. Dynamics of Church Leadership (Ministry Dynamics for a New Century). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Michel, A.A. 2017. Synergy: A Leadership Guide for Church Staff and Volunteers. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.

Milco, M.R. 1997. Ethical Dilemmas in Church Leadership: Case Studies in Biblical Decision Making. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel.

Oluwasegun, Gabriel. 2016. Principles and Practice of Church Management. Pennsauken, NJ: BookBaby.

Richards, L.O., et al. 1980. Church Leadership: Following the Example of Jesus Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 

Rinehart, Brent. 9 Essential Qualities of a Godly Leader.  (  Online. 

Singh, S.K.  1998. Church Management in the Indian Context.  Delhi, India: I.S.P.C.K.

Welch, R.H. 2011. Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Management. Nashville, TN: B&H.

Westing, H.J. 1997. Church Staff Handbook: How to Build an Effective Ministry Team. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic.


Anthony,  M.J., et al.  2016. Foundations of Ministry: An Introduction to Christian Education. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Bartel, L.R. 2001. How to have an Effective Christian Education Ministry.  Enrichment Journal.

Christian Philosophy of Education (from: Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission, by Ronald A. Horton.). Online. 

Church Christian Education Ministry for Spiritual Growth. (Ministry Tools Resource Center)  Online. 

Drexler, Jim. Why Christian Education:  Training and nurturing covenant children ...  (World,  9/13/14)  Online.

Estep, J.R., et al. 2003. C.E.: The Heritage of Christian Education. Joplin, MO: College Press.

Gangel, K.O., et al. 2002. Christian Education: Its History and Philosophy: Its History and Philosophy.  Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. 

Gangel, K.O., et al. 2013. Christian Educator's Handbook on Adult Education.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Gangel, K.O., et al. 1994. Christian Educator's Handbook on Spiritual Formation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.

Hendricks, Howard.  What makes Christian Education distinct?  (Christian Bible Studies)   Online.

 Ogbonnaya, A.O. 2001.  African Ways: A Christian Education Philosophy. Chicago, IL: Urban Ministries.

Religious Education (brief survey by country).  (Wikipedia)  Online.

Richards, L.O., et al. 1975. Christian Education: Seeking to Become Like Jesus Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Taylor, Justin.  Great Vision of Christian Education: Ten Foundational Truths. (Desiring God)  Online.

Tye, Karen.  2000. Basics of Christian Education.  Atlanta, GA: Chalice Press.

Tye, Karen. 2008. Christian Education in the Small Membership Church. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.