BIB3012/3 Genesis


Welcome to this research guide for Genesis. This guide will help you find resources that you can use for your course project and CRA paper. View a short video presentation by the Professor of Record introducing you to this course.

This course is an interpretive study of Genesis with emphasis on the meaning and divine purpose in the major events and persons. It traces God's plan of redemption from its promise in Eden to the formation of a nation of God's chosen people through whom the plan would be realized. The student will discover the doctrinal implications in Genesis and see their interpretation in the New Testament. Information from archaeological discoveries will strengthen the student's faith in the Bible and give him a better understanding of life in ancient times. The student is helped to answer the arguments of those who point to seeming conflicts between Genesis and science. Content and study methods build a good foundation for future Bible studies. Practical applications throughout the course will inspire the student and help him or her solve his or her everyday problems.

Global University does not necessarily agree with all the views represented in the resources in this guide. These are provided for the student to contrast and compare with the Biblical text and ideas presented in the Global University IST.


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