Welcome to this research guide for Business Mathematics. This guide will help you find resources that you can use for your course project.
This course is designed to develop the mathematical skills necessary to maintain banking records, figure percentages as they apply to sales and property, calculate merchandise markups and discounts, calculate simple and compound interest, determine depreciation, and understand business statistics. The textbook also includes chapters dealing with payroll, taxes, and insurance. Just be aware that the national laws concerning these subjects vary greatly from country to country. The course is divided into four units. Unit 1 is Essentials of Business Mathematics. Unit 2 is Mathematics of Business Operations. Unit 3 is Mathematics of Finance. Unit 4 is Mathematics of Asset Management.
Global University does not necessarily agree with all the views represented in the resources in this guide. These are provided for the student to contrast and compare with the Biblical text and ideas presented in the Global University IST.
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