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Undergraduate Capstone Page: Request to Graduate Area

Page that provides links to complete the undergraduate capstone requirement


Graduation Requirements

Undergraduate diplomas and degrees are issued by Global University only after a review of the student’s records and certification that all the following requirements have been fulfilled:
1. All required courses have been successfully completed. Note that any transcript being evaluated for possible transfer of credit from another school must be submitted BEFORE the last Global University course is completed.
2. A minimum of 30 credits have been earned through Global University, 15 of which are in the student’s major.
3. Cumulative grade point average (GPA) is at least 2.00.
4. Capstone requirement has been fulfilled. 
5. The Global University Registrar’s Office has received the student’s request to graduate after the above requirements have been met. (The request to graduate form is included below)

1) A student may enroll in only one undergraduate program of study at a time. In the event a student fulfills the requirements for two or more programs of study at the same time, recognition is awarded for the most advanced level only.

2) Students studying through the USA office should fill out the graduation request form found here: USA Graduation Form. Students studying through a network office (outside the USA) should fill out the graduation request below.