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Undergraduate Capstone Page: Written Requirement

Page that provides links to complete the undergraduate capstone requirement


Component 2 - Written Essay Requirement

Students must complete a written essay assignment consisting of three separate topics, as described in the instructions below. Each essay should have a title and should be about 500 words; thus the total length of the assignment will be approximately 1,500 words (5–6 double-spaced, typewritten pages). The addition of both a cover and a reference list will make the completed project 7–8 pages in length. Students are encouraged to use their Bible, ISTs or Study Guides, notes, and other research material, especially for Essay Topic 3.

This writing assignment will be given a mark of Pass or Redo. A Redo paper must be resubmitted with the recommended changes made. Clearance to proceed with graduation will not be granted until a Pass mark is received on your essay assignment. We will notify you if your submission is unaccpetable.  



The written responses for these three essay topics should each consist of approximately 500 words, and each topic should be given a different title.

Essay Topic 1: As you reflect on your Global University program, identify which courses impacted you the most and how those courses changed you. Reflect on your experiences of learning either in a study group or in an independent learning environment. What did Global University do well? In what areas could the service, delivery, or content of the program be improved?

Essay Topic 2: Explain how your Global University program has contributed to your planned ministry or personal development. What techniques did you gain or improve that enhance your ability to minister, teach, preach, and learn? Evaluate the most significant influences of this program and describe how these have impacted you or will impact your future. Include in your discussion any study skills that were strengthened or expanded.

Essay Topic 3: Through research, develop a rationale (reasonable understanding) for the doctrinal position espoused by Global University that “the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.” Search the GU Library website for resources or consult at least three resources in a library or other location. To write the essay, follow the formatting requirements you used in previous course writing projects for Global University, including in-text citation and a reference list.

Click here for a Word template to begin writing your paper.  

Upload your paper when you have finished: click here