Ahmad, Mirza Mahmood. 2011. Muhammad the Liberator of Women. Tilford, Surrey, UK: Islam International Publications.
From an Islamic Ahmadiryah persective, the book discusses the freedoms that Muhammad won for women from pre Islamic Arabic culture which includes the stopping of killing baby girls. The book then relates Muhammad’s achievements with contemporary feminine issues.[Only available in Kindle format.]
Ahmed, Leila. 2012. A Quiet Revolution: The Veil’s Resurgence, from the Middle East to America. New Haven, CT:Yale University Press.
The book content is much broader than the title indicates. The book deals with recent developments in Islamic feminism within the Muslim Brotherhood, Islam in Egypt, and Islam in America, and other related topics.
Ahmed, Zanta A. 2008. In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor’s Journey in the Saudi Kingdom.Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks.
A western trained Muslim medical doctor shares her experiences in her medical practice in Saudi Arabia. The book reveals cultural insights related to her professional livelihood in a Muslim country and the treatment she received as a woman.
Ali-Karamaili, Sumbul. 2008. The Muslim Next Door: The Qur’an, the Media, and that Veil Thing. Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press.
A Muslim mother in America describes her experiences as a Muslim in America and her answers to difficult questions people asked her about her Islamic religion. The book gives a thorough overview of Muhammad and Islam from a Muslim feminine perspective.
Al-Sheha, Abdul-Rahman. 2013. Women in Islam and Refutation of Some Common Misconceptions. Revised Edition. Fortress of Monotheism Publisher. (http://www.fortressofmonotheism.com).
This was originally published as a book in Saudi Arabia. It covers contemporary Islamic teaching on Muslim women, her rights, privileges and responsibilities with corrections of related misconceptions from a Sunni Islamic perspective. [Now only available in Kindle format.]
Ankerberg, John and Emir Caner. 2009. The Truth about Islam and Women. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.
A brief conservative Evangelical evaluation of Islamic teaching on women as found in the Qur’an and Hadith with related contrast and comparison with Christianity.
Anwar, Zahida. 2012. The Role of Women in Islam. Amazon Digital Services.
This is a brief review of contemporary beliefs and practices of women in Islam. [Only available in Kindle format].
Awde, Nicholas. 2005. Women in Islam: An Anthology from the Qur’an and Hadiths: What does Islam Really Say about Women? Revised and Expanded. New York: Hippocrene Books.
Comprehensive overview of life, practices, and beliefs of Muslim women as taught in the Qur’an and Hadiths. Extensive notes explaining cultural background of the first Muslims. Author writes from an Islamic perspective.
Basit, Abdul. 2012. “Removing the Veil: Clarifying the Role of Women in Islam,” The Global Muslim Community at a Crossroads: Understanding Religious Beliefs, Practices, and Infighting to End the Conflict. Santa Barbara,CA: Praegar Publisher.
The chapter gives an evaluation of the role of women in Islam from a clinical psychological perspective.
Caner, Ergun Mehmet (editor). 2004. Voices Behind the Veil: The World of Islam through the Eyes of Women. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications.
This is an exploration of the experiences of the role of women in Islamic countries as children, wives mothers, and sisters, and as Islamic religious adherents from a Christian perspective. Thirteen former reporters, columnists, and missionaries have contributed chapters to this book.
Coleman, Isobel. 2013. Paradise Beneath Her Feet: How Women are Transforming the Middle East. New York:
This book describes how Muslim men and women are fighting for women’s rights. Author reveals social and political insights on contemporary Islamic feminism.
Ebrahimji, Maria M. and Zahra T. Suratwala. 2011. I Speak for Myself: American Women on Being Muslim. Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press.
Forty Muslim women, born in America discuss their experiences on being Muslim and living in America. The Muslim women were interviewed after 9/11 and reflect extensive cultural, ethnical and social diversity.
Friend, Theodore, 2011. Woman, Man, and God in Modern Islam. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. Eerdmans Co.
This is an academic report of firsthand extensive research on the treatment of women in the Islamic countries of Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey. The author approaches his research from a deep respect for Islam and a strong faith in the potential of women to change their world.
Haddad, Yronne Yazbecki; Jane Smith; and Kathleen Moore. 2011. Muslim Women in America: The Challenge of Islamic Identity Today. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Three Islamic professors examine the encounters of Muslim women in America. Specific issues of dress,marriage, child custody, and asylum are addressed.
Kassam, Zayn R. (editor). 2010. Women and Islam. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publisher.
Fourteen geographic regional studies on Muslim women as they fight for gender justice and engage the challenges of a post 9/11 world are presented.
Knysh, Alexander. 2011. “The Status of Women in Islam in Historical Perspective,” Islam in Historical Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Chapter discusses teaching on women found in the Qur’an, Hadith, and Fiqh. Chapter claims much ambiguity on the issue.
Loewen, Joy. 2010. Woman to Woman: Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen, Baker Publishing Group.
As a spiritually committed Christian, the author spent 30 years in ministry to Muslims with her parents and later with her husband in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Pakistan. Today she teaches English as a second language to Muslim immigrant women in Canada. In this book, she shares insights that have helped her in her ESL ministry.
Moris, Zailan. 2009. “Beyond the Veil: The Sufi View of Women and Femininity,” Islam, Fundamentalism, andthe Betrayal of Traditions. Editor, Joseph Lumbard. Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom.
This chapter presents the Sufi interpretation on women in Islam. Sufism respects the nature and function of women and provides for individual development and maturity.
Rippin, Andrew. 2011. “Women, Intellectuals, and other Challenges,” Muslims: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, 4th Edition. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
This chapter covers traditional patterns of women’s religion and related seclusion; modern demands; Islamic answers; women involvement in the Muslim umma and other recent contemporary issues.
Rostampour, Maryam and Marziyeh Amirizadah. 2013. Captive in Iran: A Remarkable True Story of Hope and Triumph Amid the Horror of Tehran’s Brutal Evin Prison. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House.
The experiences of two Christian women missionaries imprisoned in the notorious Tehran Evin Prison for 259 days because of their Christian ministry in Iran. They endured intense interrogation and persecution.
Saleem, Shehzad. 2012. Islam and Women: Misconceptions and Misperceptions. Lahore, Pakistan: Al-Mawrid Publishers. Amazon Digital Services.
This book is an attempt to clarify Sharia Law to accommodate the Islamic feminist movement. [Availableonly in Kindle format].
Shaaban, Bouthaina. 2009. Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk about their Lives. New Edition. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Syrian feminist author evaluates interviews with Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian and Algerian Muslim women from varied social and economic backgrounds. Themes include impact of war, emancipation of women, Islamic Sharia Law, sacrifices of Muslim women for their families and cultural taboos relating to Muslimwomen.
Shelby, Audra Grace. 2012. Behind the Veils of Yemen: How an American Woman Risked Her Life, Family and Faith to Bring Jesus to Muslim Women. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen, Baker Publishing Group.
The author describes her nine years as a missionary to Muslim women in Yemen. She shares her struggles, failures, and victories. She gives excellent insights on the feminine culture in Yemen.
Smith, Marti. 2005. Through Her Eyes: Perspectives on Life from Christian Women Serving in the Muslim World. Warynesboro, GA: Authentic Media.
The author shares cultural experiences of over 20 female Christian missionaries in Muslim countries.
Sookhdeo, Rosemary. 2007. Why Christian Women Convert to Islam. Mc Lean, VA: Isaac Publishing.
This book discusses the lures, that is, so called benefits and related consequences of a non-Muslim woman’s marriage into Islam and Islamic culture and related issues. Children are raised as Muslims.
Strong, Cynthia A. and Meg Page (Editors). 2007. A Worldview Approach to Ministry Among Muslim Women. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
This book is an exploration into the way that culture and worldview affect ministry among Muslim women. Seventeen missionaries and scholars have contributed chapters to this book. Concepts in thisbook have been developed from field research in eight Islamic languages and culture groups. The bookincludes in-depth studies in Muslim beliefs, anthropological tools, worldview analyses, and exploration in strategic issues and discipleship.
Sultan, Wafa. 2011. A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
This is an autobiography of a Syrian born woman psychiatrist. She challenged the Islamic ugly treatment of women as the first woman speaker on Al-Jazeera Islamic television network.
Wahab, Saima. 2012. In My Father’s Country: An Afghan Woman Defies Her Fate. New York: Crown Publisher.
An autobiography. At age 3, she saw her father arrested by the KGB and never saw him again. At age 15, an uncle brought her from Afghanistan to America. As a college graduate and US citizen, she servedas an interpreter with the US military in Afghanistan, risked her life in battle, and won the praise of Afghan war lords.
Resources found in the original bibliography but which are now revised, updated, or reprinted
Esther, Gulshan. 2010. The Torn Veil.Revised and reprinted edition. Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications (Christian Literature Crusade).
A biography of a paralyzed Muslim girl who was miraculously healed by Jesus Christ, converted to Christianity, was rejected by her family, but became a great witness for Jesus.
Helie, Amissa and Homa Hoodfar. 2012. Sexuality in Muslim Contexts: Restrictions and Resistance. Revised and reprinted edition. London: Zed Books.
The book explores sexual norms within Muslim societies, in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Palestine, and Pakistan and promotes emancipation of women. [Available only in Kindle format].
Manji, Irshad. 2011. Allah, Liberty, and Love: The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom. Revised edition. NewYork: Free Press.
As a female Muslim, the author attempts to reform Islam from within to allow greater equality and freedom for women. Through her pragmatism and pluralism, she has been criticized for deviating from Islamic dogma.
Parshall, Phil. 2012. The Cross and the Crescent: Understanding the Muslim Heart and Mind. Downer’s Grove, IL:Inter Varsity Press.
As a life-long missionary to Muslims, the author compares and contrasts Christian and Muslim views ofGod, Scripture, worship, sin and holiness. He is a cautious advocate of contextualization and insider movements within Islam. [Reprinted as kindle edition].
Sasson, Jean P. 2012. American Chick in Saudi Arabia: A Memoir. Liza Dawson Associates.
The author describes her life of 30 years in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as a journalist and writer. She deals with Islamic female culture, world politics, and her association with Muslim women reformers. [Available only in Kindle format].
Swartley, Keith E. 2012. Editor. Encountering the World of Islam. Reprinted Edition. Downer’s Grove, IL: IVP Books.
Over 80 authors with great field experience describe the life of Muhammad, the history of Islam, and contemporary Islamic beliefs, practices, and issues in multiple Islamic countries.