GUO1001 Orientation to Global University Learning (International)

Online Activities

Activity 1A: Ministry Skills Assessment

As you take the assessment remember that no Christian leader is “well developed” in all thirty-six competencies. For example, teaching pastors have different gift sets than those who work in addiction recovery programs or who give direction to a small group ministry. This inventory helps leaders to better understand their strengths and weaknesses. After you have completed the assessment, save to your computer and then email a copy to Grading Services.

Activity 1B: Pretest

Take the pretest that corresponds to your intended major. (An examining supervisor is not required for this test.)

For the online form of the pretest, go to GU Online Exams and fill in the following:

Instructor Test Name Password
Pre Posttests For Bible and Theology BTA1000PRETESTr newGUstudent
For Christian Education CEA1000PRETESTr
For Intercultural Studies ISA1000PRETESTr

For a print form of the pretest, contact Student Services by phone at (800) 443-1083 or by email.

Final Project

This course requires you to complete a final project, worth 50 percent of your final course grade.

You must submit the project to your enrollment office before you request the end-of-course examination.

You will be graded on your ability to apply the principles that are taught in the course as well as your ability to follow instructions.


Write a two-part paper according to the following instructions. Give each part a subtitle (such as "Essay One"). When you submit your project, include one title page and one combined reference list for the entire paper.

Part 1
(600–750 words)

In Activity 1C, you wrote a 600-word essay according to these instructions:

Describe how an undergraduate GU liberal arts education will equip you to accomplish the ministry God has called you to do. Include a description of your call to the ministry and/or your motives for beginning a program with GU. Give examples of how achieving the program goals of your selected program and the GU overarching goals with achieving your own goals. Also give examples of how your future ministry will be enhanced by attaining GU program outcomes. Include a paragraph discussing your score on the ministry skills assessment. In what areas do you want to improve? How will your GU program help you accomplish that?

Rewrite your essay using the proper format you learned in Lesson 5. (You will not have any quotations or references to cite; simply format your essay correctly.)

Part 2
(600–750 words)

Through research, develop a rationale (reasonable understanding) for your views of the doctrinal position espoused by Global University that “the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.” In your response, consult and cite at least three scholarly resources from the Course Research Guide (CRG) for this course (found on the GU Library website), a library, the Internet, or another location. (Directions for using sources from the CRG are given in Lesson 6.)

Writing Instructions

If you have not already done so, read the Undergraduate Writing Assignment Guidelines;and the Global University Undergraduate Form and Style Guide.

Your total word length should be approximately 1,200–1,500 words (5 to 7 double-spaced, typewritten pages). The addition of the cover and reference list could make the completed project 6 to 8 pages. You may use your Bible, Independent-Study Text (IST), notes, and research material. Make sure you cite all sources that you use in your paper.

In completing the writing assignments, a minimum of three scholarly sources (in addition to the course text) must be included.

  • All sources (excluding Bibles and general reference books such as dictionaries) must be cited properly in the text and entered into a REFERENCE LIST at the end of your project.
  • Acceptable academic resources may be acquired from personal research or obtained through accessing the Global University Library website and the Course Research Guides.
  • The references must relate logically to the project, and you must explain, describe, interact with, or react to each reference as part of your written responses.

Submitting Your Assignment

A template for the project is available for download from the Global University Library website.

Submit your project by e-mail attachment to Grading Services. If e-mail access is not available, submit by mail or fax with the project title page (a model is provided) on the front of your project.

Objective 6.2

Use the Course Research Guides to find references and information needed to fulfill research requirements for GU assignments.


Using Sources from the Course Research Guides

How can I use the CRGs most effectively?

This course's project is divided into two parts. The instructions for the second part are as follows:

Through research, develop a rationale (reasonable understanding) for your views of the doctrinal position espoused by Global University that “the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.” In your response, consult and cite at least three scholarly resources from the Course Research Guide for this course (found on the GU Library website), a library, the Internet, or another location.

(For an overview of the entire project, see the project instructions in the Essential Course Materials.)

First Source

The following step-by-step procedure will guide you in choosing your first CRG resource for use in this assignment:

  1. Click on the "eBooks tab" in this Course Guide
  2. Find the title The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literacy and Biblical Authority and click on it. This will open a new window or tab in your browser.
  3. Enter your login information. For the student ID use your GU student number. For the password use the first two letters of your first name, the first two letters of your last name, and the last four digits of your student number. Once you have logged in, The Lost World of Scripture page will open.


From here you have several options. You can download the PDF (see the left sidebar) or scroll down to the Table of Contents. Either way, read the chapter titled: "Part 4: Concluding Affirmations on the Origin and Authority of Scripture." Use this as one of your sources for the assigned essay. To cite this eBook, click on Cite in the right sidebar. Use the Chicago / Turabian Author-date format. The reference will look like this:

Walton, John H. 2013. The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP
Academic, 2013. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost (accessed September 9, 2016).

However, you will need to follow these steps to make sure the citation fits GU’s format:

  1. Copy and paste the reference into a Word document. Remove the background color.
  2. Remove the date after the publisher’s name. (Keep the date after the author’s name.)
  3. Remove the parentheses around the access date and capitalize the A. Then move the access date to just after the publisher’s name: “. . . IVP Academic. Accessed September 9, 2016.”
  4. Delete "eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost."
  5. On the eBook home page, click on Permalink in the right sidebar. The permalink information will appear at the top of the page.

  6. Copy the permalink information and insert it at the end of the reference. Underline the permalink.
  7. Make sure the reference has a hanging indent (that is, the second and all following lines are indented).

The citation for your reference list will thus look like this:

Walton, John H. 2013. The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic. Accessed September 9, 2016.

Don't forget to change the date accessed to the date that you accessed the source.

Remember, for this paper (and for many of the writing assignments in GU courses) you must include research and citations from a minimum of three outside resources. Your course materials, Bible versions, and basic dictionaries should be listed in the Reference List and cited if you use them in your paper but do NOT count toward these three sources.

Second Source

To find your second required source for this course's project, follow these steps:





  1. Click on the "Web Articles" tab in this course research guide.
  2. In the list of articles, click on "The Authority of the Bible."
  3. This will bring up a new page that looks like this:
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on this link: N.T. Wright, "How Can the Bible Be Authoritative? (The Laing Lecture for 1989)",Vox Evangelica 21 (1991): 7:32.
  5. Read the article and incorporate the author's points in your essay. You may agree or disagree. If you use his words, add quotation marks. Whether you directly quote him or paraphrase his ideas in your own words, remember to include this citation in the text of your paper: (Wright 1991). You will not include a page number because you accessed this article on the web. Your reference list entry will look like this:

Wright, N.T. 1991. How Can the Bible Be Authoritative? (The Laing Lecture for 1989). Vox Evangelica 21:7-32. Accessed July 25, 2016."

Third Source

For your third reference, look for another article on "The Authority of the Bible" web article page: (same as Figure 6.4 above). Use the Form and Style Guide to help you format the citation and the reference. It is not always easy to determine the best citation format for web articles. That is all right; just try your best. The above examples should give you some guidance.

If you prefer, you may use another source of your choosing. However, if you want to use another website, keep in mind that if the site does not provide an author or organizational information, it probably is not reputable enough to use in an academic paper.

Once you have selected and read your sources, you are ready to write the second half of your course project.  After finishing the project, begin working on the service learning requirement (SLR) recording and report. You must submit the project, SLR, and any required activities you have not yet submitted to your enrollment office before you take the final exam. (If necessary, review the list of required activities on the Course Requirements pages.)

Service Learning Requirement


This assignment has two requirements:

  1. Using Part 2 of your course project, prepare and present a short lesson on the doctrinal position of belief in the Bible as the Word of God to a small group or an individual (if a group is not an option for you).
  2. Record your lesson, while either teaching your group or teaching without an audience, on an audiotape, CD, videotape, DVD, or flash drive, or by posting the video on a streaming website. Submit the recording and the lesson outline with your SLR report.

Guidelines for Your Assignment

  1. Prepare for your assignment by reviewing your project and the lessons in the course that correlate with the assignment, especially Lesson 5. Write your lesson outline by dividing your teaching session into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  2. Draw your audience into a discussion of how belief in the Bible as the Word of God affects you and your group in your contexts. Include relevant life applications and response opportunities. Use questions and answers to promote audience participation.
  3. Pray and ask the Lord to give you wisdom and to make you a blessing to your class.
  4. Ask someone to observe you and provide feedback by answering the questions in point 5 of the SLR report. If it was necessary for you to share with only one individual, include in point 1 of your report the circumstances that limited you.
  5. Complete the SLR report, (using the link) filling in all the fields. Submit the SLR report and your recorded lesson to your enrollment office along with your project and before you take the final examination for this course.